EOM said:
king solomon - The truth is a very hard pill to swallow. Many will want to be ignorant of it because again, ignorance is bliss.
The truth is, the world is changing. For the worse. The population was 1 billion in early 1900's now it's just passed 7 billion. The US economy is horrible and where will all those lost jobs, where will new ones come in from? Also all of this flu issues, new flu's being made or discovered, etc. If it was 1950 again, then you could just live in ignorance and probably die after living a normal life. Since things are getting worse, if you know the truth, you will have an advantage, you will know what to expect, what to plan for, and try to be as comfortable as possible manuevering all the bad things going on. Hopefully can take the truth and know you can't do anything about it, and just live each day best you can, use what you know to your advantage, etc. There is a chance the truth could turn you paranoid and crazy, just too much to handle, and you live in constant fear.
Bud, don't take this the wrong way, but it might be YOU: you ARE too much to swallow, coming off as a Debby Downer.
Unless you're taking active steps to SOLVE the World's problems (eg becoming a doctor/researcher to study virology, an engineer to develop cleaner tehcnologies, etc), then you're simply just another loser JW who's knocking on doors to tell everyone how bad the World sucks, and yet you don't offer any practical solution. See, you may have left the JWs, but you forgot to abandon their apocalyptic warnings.
So sure, no spit, Spar: the World is changing. The US is changing, on the decline of a 100-year super-cycle (boom/busts, Elliott Wave, etc, etc) Just as it always has. And always WILL change. Life IS change, it evolves as conditions evolve. There will be winners and losers, but the challenge is to adapt.
(And as one of my fave Steve Martin movie lines says, "Just because you are losing doesn't mean you have to act like a loser.")
For every downer you produce, I can point out how the quality of modern life has improved. Not perfect, mind you, but we're not going off a cliff ALA Chicken Little, "the Sky is falling".
Now, that stated, I'm no Polyanna: I'm a believer in corporatism, and know that the gov't is run largely by special-interests, PACs, driven by $$$, etc. Oh, well... I happen to belong to a profession that has to play that game, just to keep up. It's not the textbook idealism of "govt for the people, by the people", but it is what it is.